Photon Lidar

Airborne Lidar has matured over the last two decades into a mapping technology routinely used for 3D modelling of urban areas, capturing boreal forests, seabed mapping and many other applications all over the world. The speed with which the laser pulses are fired continues to soar and for a number of commercial systems it has reached the impressive number of one million pulses per second. Multiple pulses in air and (full) waveform digitisation are other developments which found their way to the users in recent years. Read on…

16 Years’ Experience on the ISPRS Council

(By Orhan Altan)Looking back, I have been able to carry out the priorities set at the beginning of my term. In 2000, when I was elected as Congress Director, my priority was to organise an excellent event that would be memorable in the minds of people for a long time and I can confess that I have achieved this goal, as I still meet many people around the world who thank me for the wonderful congress in 2004. Another interim goal that arose during my time as congress director was the request of young scientists to have their own programme at the congress, which resulted in the establishment of youth sessions and, after the congress, a summer school for more than 80 students. This became a sustained tradition at many ISPRS events and congresses and led to the establishment of a student consortium. Read more…

Making Geomatics More Attractive

(By Wim van Wegen, GIM International)

What is geomatics? What is the geospatial industry? These are questions put to me quite regularly. Friends and family are interested in what I do in my daily life. They know that I work for a publishing company, on occasion they even know that we write about some kind of technology, and even rarer are those friends who remember that I “do something with geomatics”. OK, that’s nice! But doesn’t this say an awful lot about the status of the geospatial sector? Doesn’t this necessitate us to bridge the gap between the man on the street and geomatics? Read on...

ISPRS Geospatial Week 2017

During the ISPRS Geospatial Week 2015 in La Grande Motte, France, the decision was taken to hold the next Geospatial Week in China, organised by Wuhan University. A strong Chinese delegation submitted a winning application to the panel and was successful in their bid. Wuhan University is the largest university in the field of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial science, with approximately 4,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Read more…

Youth Forum

The the new Student Consortium Board will be elected in the Small Hall on Sunday 17 July starting at 4:30 pm. Contributions by young scientist cover all the main domains of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial scientists. Read on…

Pioneering Dubai

Dubai has always been a pioneer and lead from the start when it comes to innovation and the application of new-age technologies to modernise the functioning of various organisations. Read more…

Dense Image Matching

Point clouds are increasingly a prime data source for 3D information. For many years, Lidar systems have been the primary way to create point clouds. More recently, advances in the field of computer vision have allowed for the generation of detailed and reliable point clouds from images – not only from traditional aerial photographs but also from uncalibrated photos from consumer-grade cameras. Dense image matching is the powerful technology underpinning this development. Read more here...


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The intense darkness of the black theatre is full of fantasy. Poetic pictures approach you from the mysterious and almost indefinite depth of a black cabinet. Music will bring inanimate to life, tragic will change into comic, unbelievable will become real. Moreover, your imagination will awake fully. If you are willing to join the adventure you may find inside something you never knew existed.

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Společnost pro fotogrammetrii a dálkový průzkum

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