


Welcome to the official web-site of the 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference “From Imagery to Map: Digital Photogrammetric Technologies”.

See more: http://conf.racurs.ru



SCANEX R&D Center (Russia) has made a decision to be the Platinum sponsor of the conference.

SCANEX Research and Development Center is the leading Russian company on the remote sensing market that offers a complete set of services ranging from acquisition to thematic processing of Earth observation images from space.

Business fields:

providing images from a majority of up-to-date satellites;

manufacture and supply of receiving ground stations (UniScanT, Alice-SCT) for data acquisition from different satellites;

development of image processing software (ScanEx Image ProcessorR);

web-mapping services.

See more: http://www.scanex.ru/en/index..html

Kontaktujte nás

Telefon: +420 608 982 026

Email: info@sfdp.cz

Webová stránka: www.sfdp.cz

Sídlo společnosti

Společnost pro fotogrammetrii a dálkový průzkum

Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6

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Společnost pro fotogrammetrii a dálkový průzkum Všechna práva vyhrazena 2012 Společnost pro fotogrammetrii a dálkový průzkum