Dear Sir or Madam
The ‘Geo-harmonizer’ project team and the Department of Geomatics are pleased to invite you to the OpenDataScience Europe workshop 2022, which will take place at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague, from the 13th to the 16th of June. This hybrid event is organised as part of the project ‘Geo-harmonizer: EU-wide automated mapping system for harmonization of Open Data based on FOSS4G and Machine Learning’, financed by the European Commission through the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). The workshop aims to provide training to young researchers and professionals, as well to bring together international experts and emerging scientists around the following topics:
- Dynamic mapping of land cover, vegetation, climate and environmental quality indices,
- Spatiotemporal Machine Learning using Ensemble techniques,
- Earth Data Cubes: spatiotemporal overlay, modelling and visualisation,
- Geocomputing and geo-harmonization using Python, R and Open Source GIS GDAL, GRASS GIS, QGIS
- Processing large raster datasets using High Performance and Distributed Computing,
- Using geospatial harmonized European map products.
- Using AR/VR for geospatial data visualisation.
We are also pleased to host international guest speakers such as Prof. John Wenzhong Shi from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Doc. Ing. Tomáš Pajdla, From CIIRC ČVUT, Prof. Arzu Çöltekin (University of Applied Sciences & Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Institute of Interactive Technologies), Dr Helena Mitasova from the North Carolina State University (US), Dr Pierre Soille from the Joint Research Centre, and Jiří Pilař, DG CONNECT programme.
- 13-14 June: The first two days are dedicated to 16 training sessions provided by the GeoHarmonizer’s partners, free of cost for participants. The complete schedule is available here.
- 15-16 June: two days are hosting short talks selected from the applications and will give room for discussion with the keynote speakers. The entrance is free of cost.
Abstract Submission: PhD researchers are invited to submit their abstracts by April 25th via Pretalx. Selection of abstracts is expected by 1st May.
Registrations: Participants can register for the training sessions and/or conference days at this link by June 1st. More information: Please visit or contact directly or paulina.raeva@fsv.cvut.czFollow our updates on Twitter (@Harmonizer_Geo) or Facebook: @geomatics.ctu or subscribe to our newsletter. We would be glad if you could share this email with your contacts. We hope to see you at the next OpenDataScience Europe Workshop!